The base chemical in most vitamins is a combination of essential nutrients such as vitamins (like vitamin A, B, C, D, etc.) and minerals (like calcium, iron, zinc, etc.) These nutrients are essential for various bodily functions and are typically derived from natural food sources.
Fruits and vegetables are some of the best food sources for water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and certain B vitamins. Citrus fruits, bell peppers, leafy greens, and berries are particularly high in these vitamins. Additionally, fortified cereals and whole grains can also be good sources of certain B vitamins.
Vitamins C, B, A, E & KThe main vitamin in pineapple is Vitamin C.
Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for various physiological functions in the body. They are classified as either water-soluble (e.g. Vitamin C, B vitamins) or fat-soluble (e.g. Vitamins A, D, E, K). Each vitamin has unique chemical structures and functions within the body.
Vitamins B and C
Some cactus plant parts may be prepared and served as vegetables. As a food, they supply their predators with vitamins A, B, and C. Additionally, they're good sources of iron.
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamins A, B,C and E.
Vitamin C is an example of a water-soluble vitamin. It dissolves in water and is easily absorbed in the body. Excess amounts are excreted through urine.
Vitamins A and C and the B vitamins Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin.
This is really easy, I don't know how you don't know this but vitamins help you by giving you sources of nutrients that is healthy for your body to give you better growing hair or good eye sight e.t.c some of the basic vitamins are Vitamins A,B,C,D