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Q: The rich diversity of plant and animal life here gave the early hunter and gatherers a varied and plentiful diet?
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What type of clothing did hunter-gatherers wear?

they wore animal skins

A sentence for hunter-gatherers?

Hunter-gatherers relied on gathering plants and hunting animals for their food, living a nomadic lifestyle to follow available resources in their environment.

What are the hunter gatherers shelter and clothing?

Hunter-gatherers built shelters using materials like wood, animal hides, grass, and mud. These structures varied depending on geographic location and climate, such as tents, igloos, or huts. Clothing was typically made from animal hides and furs, tailored for warmth and protection.

Were there hunter gatherers in Ancient Rome?

Yes, there were hunter- gatherers in almost every society. Please note that the hunter-gatherers were there before it was Rome. At the time of the Roman Empire, there generally were no hunter-gatherers.

Are hunter gatherers prehistoic people?

Yes, hunter-gatherers were Prehistoric people.

What is a synonym for hunter-gatherers?

Some synonyms for hunter-gatherers is foragers.

How would early hunter gatherers hunt there pray?

They followed the herds and picked out an animal to kill.

What clothing did hunter gatherers wear?

they use things like animal skins maybe leaves

What did hunter-gatherers use to make their shelters and how did it look?

they made their homes out of mammoth bones and animal skins

What technology did hunter gatherers use to meet their needs?

fire, arrows, beads, and leg animal trapper

How did hunter gatherers use farming technolodgy?

They didn't. Hunter-gatherers came before farmers.

Is hunter-gatherers a noun?

Yes, the compound word 'hunter-gatherers' is a noun a word for people.