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That's the equivalent of starving yourself. Your body already burns a certain amount of calories (BMR) based on your weight, height, and lifestyle. You can do that, and yes, you probably will lose weight. I've done it in the past, but you will gain some back once you start trying to eat normally again. Make sure you drink plenty of water and you can avoid that somewhat... But it would be better if you looked up your BMR and calculated that into your diet plan. That way you can lose weight (more slowly, maybe) but keep it off effectively.

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Q: Should i eat the same amount of Calories that i burn to lose weight. Ex. if i burn 600 i should eat 600?
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How many calories should you eat to maintain your weight?

same amount you burn.

How can I put on weight?

If you want to put on weight, you should double or triple the amount of calories you consume each day.

What is the average amount of calories you should eat a day?

2,000 depnding on your weight, hight, and gender

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Well it depends on your weight. If your 100 pounds then you should eat 1000 calories. If your 110 pounds then you should eat 1100 calories.

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An average teenage girl should consume 2,400 calories per day, the amount of calories that should be consumed is greatly depended on age, height, and weight. To find the exact amount of calories, go to

Fr wt loss hw calories we should burn in one day-?

You can't lose weight by guessing. You will need to know how many calories you need per day by the amount of exercise you do. The average person burns 2000 calories per day. In order to maintain homeostasis within the body, your intake of calories should match how many calories you burn.

How much should eat?

You should eat about 1000 calories a day if you are a kid. If you are an adult you should eat about 2550 calories a day. If you are an adult watching your weight, you should eat about 2000 calories a day.

How much should you eat?

You should eat about 1000 calories a day if you are a kid. If you are an adult you should eat about 2550 calories a day. If you are an adult watching your weight, you should eat about 2000 calories a day.

How many calories should you eat to weigh 135 lbs at 5'8?

I have always heard that you add a 0 to the end of your weight and that is approx what you should eat daily. So at 135 you should eat approx 1,350 calories per day. If you exercise you can eat the amount of calories you burn on top of the 1350. That is to mainitain.

What is the amount of calories you should have when on a slimming diet?

Well it depnds on your weight now and the weight you intend to weigh, you age, height, and body compostion, and your recommended calorie count.

How much should someone eat?

How much a person should eat will depend on their height, current weight, age, and amount of physical activity, but should range between 1200 and 2200 calories per day.

Can you eat 500 calories per day and lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks?

you would die if you ate that many calories. to lose weigh find out how many calories you should be eating for your current weight and then find out how many calories you should be eating for your target weight. slowly inch your calories down to that target weight range. and really you should ask your doctor about weight loss. to see if you even need it.