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Personally, my answer would be no. That is because it is safer inside the school grounds. If you go outside of school for lunch, you never know who wants to hurt you and you wouldn't know who to believe. I think lunch should be spent inside the school because of kidnappers and other people who mean you harm.

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Q: Should children go outside of school for lunch?
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only if there seniors they are aloud to. or if your cheacking out

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At lunch time - traditionally between 12 and 2. Depends on the school timetable.

Students should be able to go out for lunch?

I am a student myself and i think that students should be allowed off-campus lunch. It helps us practice time management and responsibilty. if you choose to go off campus you should have at least 45 minutes to go get lunch and head back to school...

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they should improve school lunch because it discusting which makes kids not wanna eat it

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No, you should not get worms from eating school lunch. The law in every state in the United States requires all school lunches to be cooked thoroughly as to not poison or 'worm' children. However, if you ate uncooked meat, there is a chance that you may get a worm.

Why should you eat lunch outside?

because studies show you can learn better when you eat outside

Is it legal for teachers to keep kids in from lunch?

In most cases, it is not legal for teachers to keep students from lunch as it is considered a basic need and right for children to have access to food during the school day. If a teacher is preventing students from having lunch without a valid reason, it should be reported to school authorities.

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go up to him first and talk to him. I have had experience in this.

How long do french school children have for lunch break?

The usual lunch break is 1H30 to 2 hours long in France. This allows pupils living in the vicinity to commute home and back to school after lunch.

Should pizza be served for lunch at school?

That is an opinionated question, but I think that pizza should be served at school.