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Q: Red stains of turmeric when soaked in a detergents?
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Why do turmeric stains turn red when soaked in detergent solution?

It is because the turmeric contains a compound called cucumine.cucumine reacts with the fatty acid in the soap/detergent and thence the color of the combination changes to red.

Why the termaric stains turns to red when soak it in the detergent?

The red color observed when turmeric stains interact with detergent may be due to the detergent breaking down the chemical structure of the turmeric molecules, causing a change in their absorption properties. This results in the turmeric shifting from its characteristic yellow color to a reddish hue.

What changes colour do you observe when turmeric mixes with a base?

it is natural indicator. when it stains in curry on shirt and you wash it with soap turs into pinkish red colour which is base.

What happens when an egg is soaked in Gatorade?

If you put the egg in vinegar then put it into Gatorade then the egg looks defalated, red, and very sticky.

What is the colour of turmeric indicator if the substance is basic?

The color of turmeric indicator in sodium hydroxide ( Na(OH) ) is red - brown .

What color does turmeric turn ingredients?

Turmeric is red in basic solutions.

What is the neutral colour for turmeric?

The neutral color for turmeric is beige or tan. These colors complement the warm tones of turmeric and create a balanced color scheme.

Why does soap and lime juice solution turn red with turmeric?

lime juice and soap solutions turn red in turmeric because turmeric is an organic indicator which turns red in acidic or basic solution and lime juice is an acidic solution while soap is a basic solution

What is the color of citric acid in turmeric?

The colour is red

What is effect of orange juice on turmeric solution?

Orange juice can enhance the absorption of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, due to its high vitamin C content. The acidic nature of orange juice may also increase the solubility of curcumin, potentially leading to better bioavailability in the body.

What happens when yellow turmeric water is mixed with calcium carbonate?


How easily will this remove red wine stains?

It should easily remove red win stains. As with all stains you will want to remove it as soon as possible.