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It's considered a positive correlation. As "A" (eating) increases, "B" (weight) also increases.

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Q: Overeating an gaining weight is an example of?
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Related questions

Can you gain weight by overeating 1 day?

Yes, but it usually isn't much, maybe 2 pounds at the maximum, gaining weight comes with an abundance of those days over time.

Does anorexia involve purging and overeating?

Anorexia is defined by Restricting food intake Fear of food or gaining weight Underweight (by BMI) it can include binging and purging behaviors as well

Can you die by eating?

You can die from eating specific foods or non-foods. You could possibly die, eventually, from overeating. Gaining weight increases the mass of body tissues that must be supported by the limited capacity of your organs.

How do you gain weight without eating as much?

Some wrestlers, for example, eat certain weight gaining bars to go up in weight class.

My cat is 12 years old and she has a little bit of stomach can she be pregnant?

If she hasn't been spayed and got outside while in season, yes she could be. If she's spayed, she might just be overeating. Consult your vet if she seems to be gaining weight.

What Is The Suitable Way Of Gaining Weight?

The most suitable way of gaining weight is to eat more frequently.

What foods are best for gaining weight for exercise?

Most athletes are in the business of gaining weight. But with weight gaining foods is not about how much you but is more about what you eat. The most popular foods is Whey Protein and dairy products.

Can you gain muscle mass with weight training without gaining weight?

No that is impossible. You cannot gain muscle mass without ever gaining weight.

What is pocrescophobia?

It is the fear of gaining weight

What do cramps mean?

gaining weight

What is obesophobia?

Its the fear of gaining weight

Does eating before going to sleep make you gain weight?

If you're overeating you will gain weight regardless of when you eat. And if you have a balanced diet you can eat pretty much at any time w/o gaining weight. There is a small change in metabolic rate between night and day, but the slightly higher rate during day isn't going to help you if you're not within your calorie budget.