

Best Answer

I think she has been punched in the bely

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Q: My wife is 22year old with a chubby belly- often she eats too much and her belly becomes so bloated and tight that she can't move and feeling very uneasy- can anybody help?
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My wife is 22year old with a chubby belly- tonight she ate too much and her belly is so bloated that she can't move and feeling ver uneasy- what is the remedy?

Let her rest a while or make her throw up.

How many hours sleep should a 22year old get?

8 hours

If someone was 18 could they date a 22year old?

I believe so. There is nothing wrong with that, you are both adults.

Is it ok for a 22year old girl to date someone 4 years younger?

is you guys love eachother. go for it.

Is it ok for 16 year old to go out with a 22year old?

It is against the law without parental permission. JinxLindsey

My 22year old wife's belly increasing day by day - within two months her belly size becomes 36inches from 33inches - she also develop huge amount of gas in her belly after meal - what can be done?

She's most likely pregnant. If not go to a doctor and figure out what's wrong. yeah.

Can a 22year old date a 15 year old in Florida legally?

NO...find someone your own age!!! NO...find someone your own age!!!

Can you a 22year old sue a parent for neglect and lack of child support?

That depends on the state. In most, no, as you are too old to open a new case.

In Georgia can 17 year old marry a 22year old?

Yes, IF the minor has parental permssion. If they don't have parental permission, they have to wait until they're 18.

Would a 22year old man get charged with anything for getting a 15year old girl pregnant in the state of Texas?

Yes he could do, because the age of consent in Texas is 18

How much sleep does a 22year old need night?

A useful quotation is six hours for for an adult, eight hours for a child and ten hours for someone without any sense

When did Cleopatra have a baby?

Cleopatra gave birth at the age of 22year old the baby was a girl she named her batizia for a reason that she did not tell anyone she held it a secret for 1year but people found out.