Nutritional deficiency and its symptoms A list of essential Nutrients, incidence of its deficiency and the typical symptoms and diseases are given.Nutrition disorder wicked , the free encyclopedia. These include, but are not limited to , deficiency diseases, caused by a lack of essential nutrition naves disorders , symptoms sign/eponymous.
1.protein-Helps to build muscle and repair damage.=2.carbonhydrates-Provide energy==3.vitamins-Gives you B1,B2,B12 and vitamins A,D,E and K==4.minerals-Gives you calcium you need==5.water-Regulates body processes=
A number of diseases can be caused by an imbalanced diet, depending on the deficiency of nutrients that your body has. Could be anaemia due to lack or iron and vitamin C, digestion problems for lack or roughage like fibres and cabbages, malnutrition for lack of all the necessary nutrients that one needs to have a normal functioning body and the list is endless...
check out this detailed list of adverse effect of protein deficiency in the body.
according to this website, NC does have an anti-deficiency provision.
To stay healthy, people need: Carbohydrates Protein Good fats/essential fatty acids Vitamins Minerals Enzymes
There are more than 220 drugs on the WHO essential drug list. The exact number?
The Direct mission essential task list starting point is developed based on the task list developed by units above them. It is essential that the list start at this point and then be broken down quickly into actionable steps.
List the essential food a balance diet
The Mission Essential Task List is also known as METL. The most critical aspect is for all to understand and know the essential tasks and critical tasks.
Core Mission Essential Tasks List