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Usually a loaf contains 8 to 10 servings, and each servings is (on average) 150 to 200 calories. So that equals roughly 1,600 calories.

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Q: Italian bread how many calories in a loaf?
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How many calories are in Italian bread?

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Bread is solid, and not measured in milliliters.

How many grams or kg are in a loaf of bread?

The weight of a loaf of bread can vary depending on the size and type of bread. On average, a standard loaf of bread typically weighs around 400-600 grams (0.4-0.6 kg).

How many calories are in one serving of meat loaf?

Answered somewhere else, but here it is again, 300 calories for a serving of a regular meat loaf, 100 calories for a serving of low calorie meat loaf.

How many servings in a 2 lb loaf of bread?

The average loaf of bread weighs 1lb and 8 ounces. The average loaf of bread has 24 servings--1 ounce per serving. a two pound loaf of bread would have 32 servings.

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