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Q: It is doubtful that many of the organic compounds essential for life such as amino acids and nucleotides would be able to assemble spontaneously in the presence of?
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It is doutful the many of the organic compounds essential for life such as amino acids and nucleotides would be able to assemble spontaneously in the presence of?

Free oxygen

Organic compounds would not be able to assemble spontaneously in the presence of what?

In the presence of an oxidizing agent, organic compounds would not be able to assemble spontaneously. Oxidizing agents would break down organic molecules rather than allowing them to assemble.

Would organic compounds essential for life be able to assemble in the presence of hydrogen?


What is the enzyme that uses one strand of DNA as a template to assemble nucleotides into a strand of RNA?

RNA polymerase is the enzyme that uses one strand of DNA as a template to assemble nucleotides into a strand of RNA during transcription.

Is it possible for a nitrogenous base a ribose sugar and a phosphate to self assemble?

Yes, nitrogenous bases, ribose sugars, and phosphates can self-assemble to form nucleotides, the building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA. The nitrogenous base binds to the ribose sugar, and a phosphate group can then attach to the sugar to form a nucleotide. These nucleotides can further assemble to form DNA or RNA strands through complementary base pairing.

How would you describe the polymerization of nucleotides?

Nucleotides polymerize by forming phosphodiester bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of another, creating a chain. This process is catalyzed by enzymes called polymerases. The resulting polymer is called a nucleic acid, such as DNA or RNA.

What is the name of the chemical reaction when a strand of messenger RNA is formed from individual nucleotides?

The process of forming a strand of messenger RNA from individual nucleotides is called transcription. During transcription, an enzyme called RNA polymerase helps to assemble the nucleotides in the correct sequence based on the DNA template.

What have scientist learned from experiments designed to test the hypothesis that life arose from nonliving materials?

Scientists have learned that under certain conditions, simple organic molecules can form spontaneously from inorganic compounds. They have also observed that these molecules can self-assemble into more complex structures when exposed to energy sources such as lightning or UV radiation. While these experiments offer insights into the plausibility of life arising from nonliving materials, the exact process by which life originated on Earth remains a topic of ongoing research and debate.

What does a group of three nucleotides code for?

DNA nucleotides 'code' for RNA copies of the DNA strand, but the true 'coding' of nucleotides happen in the ribosome where amino acids are matched to the RNA nucleotides. Nucleotides in DNA are only are present to store genetic data. When a particular gene needs to be used or a protein needs to be made, a RNA copy of the DNA will be made, using the slightly different RNA nucleotides (adenine, uracil, cytosine and guanine). This copy then leaves the nucleus and travels to the ribosome, where the RNA nucleotides are used to assemble amino acids into proteins. Each amino acid matches up to a three-nucleotide sequence.

Do DNA have codons?

Yes, DNA contains codons, which are sequences of three nucleotides that encode for specific amino acids during protein synthesis. These codons are read by ribosomes and transfer RNA molecules to assemble the corresponding amino acids in the correct order to form proteins.

What is included in the freedom of expression?

Free speech promotes "The free flow of ideas essential to political democracy and democratic institutions."

What can people do peacefully according to First amendment?

peacefully assemble!