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Raw vitamin, no. Foods that contain it, yes.

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Q: Is vitamin C considered food
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Related questions

Is there vitimin c in tomatoes?

Tomatoes are high in Vitamin C. That are actually considered the 'leader of Vitamin C'

Do guinea pigs need vitamin c?

They need Vitamin C and lotes of it so you can but crushe vitamin C tablets in their water or you can give them food high in vitamin C. And they can get Vitamin C from carrots, and oranges also...

What ways other than food do we get vitamin c?

You might want to take supplyment to get vitamin C

What is used to preserve food?

Bht and vitamin c

What happens if you cook vitamin c?

you get food with vitiman C nothing happens. Not true! see this in "Cooking" in Wikipedia: 'Cooking of vegetables and fruit containing vitamin c both elutes [ed;elute,The act of separating one substance from another by means of a solvent; to wash; to cleanse] the vitamin into the cooking water and degrades the vitamin through oxidation. The reduction can be very significant with extended cooking.'

What food makes a significant contribution to vitamin C intakes in the US population despite the modest vitamin C concentration?


Is papaya a Vitamin C food?

Yes, papayas are very high in Vitamin C. One small papaya has $159% of the RDA.

What has the author P C Leong written?

P. C. Leong has written: 'Vitamin A content of Malayan foods' -- subject(s): Food, Vitamin A., Vitamin content

Why is vitamin C lost when food is placed in boiling water?

Vitamin C is water-soluble, so it can leach out of food and into the boiling water. Exposure to high temperatures can also break down the structure of vitamin C molecules, leading to its degradation and loss.

Which food is the poorest source of vitamin c?

Lots of berries and citric fruits are full of vitamin C.

Two examples of food that are acids?

# vinegar # vitamin C

Do you know Which acid is present in vitamin c?

food acid