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Q: Is vitamin A hydrophobic or hydrophilic?
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Is starch hydrophobic?

Starches can be both hydrophobic and hydrophilic, although most of them are hydrophilic.

Why hydrophilic proteins when placed in hydrophobic solvent their is denaturation of the proteins?

Hydrophilic molecules are repulsed by surrounding hydrophobic solvent. Hydrophilic tends to connect with hydrophilic, and hydrophobic with hydrophobic. If the protein as a part which is hydrophobic, then it will twist itself to accommodate those new connections, and when they change their form, they denature.

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Is cholesterol hydrophobic or hydrophobic?

Cholesterol has many hydrophobic side chains and a single hydrophilic side chain. Because it contains both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups, it is amphipathic.yes cholesterol Hydrophobic , choestol not soluble in water

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How do hydrophobic and hydrophilic act?

Hydrophobic substances avoid or move away contact with water. Hydrophilic objects move toward water.

What is the similarities of hydrophillic and hydrophobic?

it is the opposite. Hydrophobic is water hating, hydrophilic is water loving. ie, hydrophobic substances avoid water, hydrophilic are attracted

What is the difference between diffusion of hydrophobic substances in comparison to hydrophilic ones across the plasma membrane?

the hydrophilic easier than hydrophobic substances

Is hydrophilic the same as hydrophobic?

hydrophilic - loves water hydrophobic - repels water

What is the difference between hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules nd hydrophilic c?

Hydrophobic molecules repel water and are nonpolar, while hydrophilic molecules attract water and are polar. Hydrophilic coatings are commonly used to make surfaces wettable by water, allowing for better adhesion or compatibility with aqueous solutions.