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Q: Is there actually a chemical in bananas that make people feel happy naturally?
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Why do people get addicted to bananas?

This seems to be just folklore. Bananas contain no drug substances, and "bananadine" is not a real chemical. People do attempt to smoke the peels thinking they contain something addicting, but they don't.

What are the working conditions for people who make bananas?

People don't make bananas.

What are the answers to unit 21 signing naturally?

you should actually do the work not ask other people for the answers

What will life be like without bananas?

It would be hard for many people, as it is considered as the poor mans fruit.(despite it actually being a herb)

How many bananas for banana splits for 100 people?

100 bananas. :)

Are bananas people too?

Bananas are fruit, which are classified as inanimate objects. Thus, they are not real people.

Is oxygen man made or naturally found?

Oxygen is naturally found in the earth's atmosphere and is a chemical element that is not man-made.

What is a sentence for bananas?

Bananas are technically berries. Not many people realise that.I like bananas a lot.He put sliced bananas into the fruit salad.

Do most people like bananas or monkeys?

monkeys might like bananas but some people in the world like bananas too so it might be even but i am guessing that monkeys like bananas more then humans.

Are there people with naturally red hair?

Yes ther are people with red hair. The color of the hair is called red but it is actually more of an orange color.

Why do bananas eat people?

people eat bananas simply because they are healthy and make you have to poo more often when you have constipation

What is mouses favorite food?

mice don't actually like cheese some people say peanut butter or dried bananas. p.s Ashleigh rox!