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Yes, sit-ups and press-ups are good. I have been doing 50 of each per day and I have lost a lot of stomach fat

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Q: Is there a good excerise to lose fat around your stomach?
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How tight (or loose) is the skin covering the superficial muscles?

it is really tight if you excerise othrwise it can be lose

If your trying to eat fatty foods to get a bigger butt how do you lose weight?

stomach crunches lose weight around your stomach SPECIFICALLY, if u go running or jogging, you will lose weight everywhere...including your but ;)

What is a healthier way to lose fat?

Is to excerise more and eat a healthy diet and cut down on sugar

How can you lose some body fat?

Cut out all the junk food and processed foods. Quit drinking sodas and get out and excerise .

What is a good diet for someone with diabetes 2?

A good diet for you would be to eat foods that are low in sugar. Also try to get as much excerise as you possibly can. Eating healthy foods such as fruits and veggies, along with regular exercise you will lose weight fast.

How can you lose stomach fat and bloat?

cardio is the best way to lose any kind of fat. u wont just lose fat on ur stomach, but around ur whole body too. an hour of cardio 2-3 times per week should help this. dont get discouraged if u dont see immediate results after one week, because depending on ur genes, ur stomach might be the last area of fat that u lose. good luck! sources: personal experience

What is meant by how to lose belly fat?

It basically means to lose the fat that is being collected around your lower abdominal (your stomach). You can lose the fat by using various methods such as exercise and diet.

Does crunches abs work am female and i have a belly but some say that crunches don't work what should i do to get a flat stomach?

It's not that crunches don't work, it's that they won't get you a flat stomach. What you want is to do cardio. Anything that gets your body moving and your heart rate up will help you lose fat. When you do lose the fat around your stomach you will see the results of the crunches (muscle definition). It's good to do both (and not just crunches other "absentric" moves) if you want a flat stomach, but being active and eating well will lose the fat that is really the point of flat stomacs.

Is going to ballet classes once a week a good start to trying to lose weight?

No going to ballet class is not a good start for loosing weight. To loose weight you have to do excerise daily such as 30 - 60 minutes. One class won't do anything. I suggest cut down your calories.

What can I do to lose fat in my stomach?

Go to It gives you facts on how to lose stubborn stomach fats. Provides a list of things to do, which foods to avoid and which foods to eat. It also offers good excercise tips and on top of everything, it encourages you to stay motivated.

A good workout routine?

A good workout routine would have to be based on what you want for example if you ladies would like to get more tone or to lose weight on your stomach