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It is believed to be so, yes, according to a commonly-held belief. However, more studies need to be done to confirm if pyracantha or Firethorn is indeed poisonous to livestock or if it's merely a myth that has been passed down through the ages.

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Q: Is pyracantha poisonous to cattle
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Is pyracantha or fire thorn poisonous to sheep and cattle?

It is believed to be, but more studies need to be done to fully confirm if it is or not.

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Not to my knowledge

If poked by a Pyracantha thorn is it poisonous?

The poison in a Pyracantha is in such tiny amounts that being pricked by a thorn would not cause any problems. The above may be true but I have found on several occasions when pruning our Pyracantha that the almost inevitable pricks by the amazingly sharp thorns will often leave me with a very sore and red finger or arm. This goes away after 2 or 3 days. This is possibly due to the minute amounts of cyanide in the plants.

Are Pyracantha berries poisonous if eaten by a dog?

Whilst Pyracantha (or Firethorn) berries are a welcome dietary supplement for birds, they are a cyanide producer and are unsuitable for cats and dogs. They can produce mild to moderate gastrointestinal upset, whilst a build up of cyanide in the intestinal tract, over time, can lead to more serious complications. Whilst you enjoy watching your dogs eat Pyracantha berries like Bambi, you are allowing them to slowly poison themselves.

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Is the yucca plant poisonous to cattle?

Yes, the Yucca plant is poisonous to horses. It is not only poisonous to them but to other animals like cows, cats, dogs, etc.

Are pyracantha plants illegal to put in garden?

Pyracantha coccineaCommon Names: firethorn, scarlet firethornFamily: Rosaceae (rose Family)No not that I have seen.