The Polynerv 1000 vitamin tablet is scientifically based on the high potency. It basically contains 500 mgs of Vitamin B1, 1mg of vitamin B12 and 250mg of vitamin B6.
1000 milligrams
It takes 1000 milligrams (mg) to make a gram of vitamins since there are 1000 milligrams in a single gram.
Humans don't live to be 1000 so no.
No it is not safe at all. ASK YOUR DOCTOR TO SEE WHAT CAN YOU TAKE WHILE PREGNANT OR TRYING TO GET PREGNANT. I was prescribed Keppra and was fine with it I agree completely. My husband and I saw a specialist to ask about medications while trying to get pregnant and he suggested that Keppra was a good choice; while there are MANY studies that show a huge risk for women taking Depakote during pregnancy and conception.
This procedure is considered permanent but 1/1000 women get pregnant by accident every year. It depends on how it was done and you need to go back to your doctor and hear if it can be undone or if there are other options. Often this procedure is presented as a way out and women don't think that life changes and they might want another child one day.
The risk is 1/1000.
It's just a waiting game, some people get pregnant, some don't. Only 1 in 1000 women get pregnant when they have a tubal. It's not something you can plan. Chances of a non-viable pregnancy are really common with pregnancies after tubal ligation.
.1% or 1 out of every 1000 :)
The risk is 1/1000.
Jorien ter Mors of the Netherlands won the gold medal in women's 1000 metres speed skating. Nao Kodaira of Japan won the silver medal in women's 1000 metres speed skating. Miho Takagi of Japan won the bronze medal in women's 1000 metres speed skating.