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  • Because sucrose is a complex disaccharide, it is not classified as either an aldose or a ketone. Instead, it is a compound that contains both. It can be easily broken down into its component aldose and ketonic molecules, either during digestion in the body, or through exposure to acids such as those present in lemon juice while cooking.
  • Additionally, sucrose will fail tests such as Benedict's test, which are designed to detect aldose molecules present in its makeup. This is because of its unique, closed-chain type of molecular structure.
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Maltose is an aldose because it consists of two glosce molecules linked through an alpha 1- 4 glycosidic bond. Glucose is an aldose and since maltose consists of glucose molecules only, it is an aldose and not a ketose.

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Q: Is maltose a ketose
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What are an aldose ketose pair?

An aldose-ketose pair refers to two monosaccharides that are isomers of each other, differing in the placement of a carbonyl group. In an aldose, the carbonyl group is located at the end of the carbon chain, while in a ketose, it is located within the carbon chain. For example, glucose is an aldose, while fructose is a ketose, and they are considered an aldose-ketose pair.

Why the majority said that sucrose is a ketose sugar?

The majority would be incorrect. Sucrose is not considered an aldose or a ketose, because it is a disaccharide made from glucose (an aldose) and fructose (a ketose). So, it has both properties within its structure. It is a non-reducing sugar.It is possible that many say sucrose is a ketose because sucrose will fail the Benedict's test, which is designed to detect aldoses.

Is maltose non reducing sugar?

maltose is a reducing sugar ..

What group of carbohydrates react positively in Seliwanoff's test?

Sugars, the test distinguishes between aldose and ketose sugars; the test shows positive for ketose sugars.

Is maltose an oligosaccharide?

Maltose is a disaccharide.

What is maltose dextrin?

dextrine and maltose are byproduct of starch when starch is completely hydrolized it gives dextrin and maltose

What the product to the reactants maltose and water?

Maltose and water react to form the maltose solution. A sweet solution!

Is glucose an aldose ketose or pentose?

hexose, it is a 6 carbon sugar.

What makes maltose?

is a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose. Maltose can be broken down into two glucose molecules by hydrolysis.what are some properties of maltose?Maltose is a malt sugar. The molecular formula for maltose is C12H22O11.

What is the composition of maltose?

The composition of maltose is 2 glucose units. This is because glucose is the 'primary' composition in a monosaccharide and maltose is found in Disaccharide, which is the 'secondary' composition. ~Geek

Is maltose a monosacharide?

Maltose is a dissacharide formed from two molocules of glucose.

What is the compostition of maltose?

Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules