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Q: Is leaking colostrum normal when your child is two now and your not pregnant?
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I had my last period 1 1/2 months ago had a blood test done 2 weeks ago but my breasts are leaking colostrum. Am i pregnant? I stopped breastfeeding my second child October 2006, might it be due to this that the milk is just still working itself out

You are 31 weeks pregnant and have just started leaking colostrum and blood is leaking from your breast is this normal?

Many women leak colostrum (the first milk) at some time during pregnancy. It can be just a drop or enough that you need breast pads to keep from soaking your clothes. For some women, this starts quite early and for others it doesn't start until just before labor. Some women never experience leaking breasts and this has absolutely no effect on later ability to nurse. If one breast leaks more than the other, that breast may produce a bit more milk, but generally both breasts will produce enough. (Assuming you haven't had surgery and the breasts are not radically different sizes.) Here are more opinions and answers from other FAQ Farmers: * Leaking is normal. I started leaking colostrum when I was 12 weeks pregnant and it started being laced with milk at 30 weeks. I went 40 weeks 5 days. The leaking was so bad then that I'd soak breast pads, but now that he's out and I'm nursing they hardly ever leak anymore, he keeps 'em drained. * It is very normal. I have had 2 children and with both of them I started leaking breast milk around 5 months so there is nothing to worry about. Just stock up on nipple pads, because it sounds like you are going to be a milk factory like I was. * It's normal for me. I leaked a LOT of breast milk during my 8th month with my daughter, enough so that it would spray at times. Now I'm pregnant again, almost 5 years later and the leaking started even earlier, around the 4th month, and now into my 6th month, it sprays. Oh, if I lean on a breast, I soak my clothing, too. It can be inconvenient and embarrassing, but mostly it thrills me to know my baby's growing and on the way. 28 weeks and counting.

Can you have colostrium in your first trimester?

Yes, each woman and pregnancy is unique. It is possible to leak colostrum during the first trimester. That is how I knew I was pregnant with my third child.

I still have colostrum in my breasts and my youngest child is almost 6yrs old should i be concerned?

If there is any chance that you are pregnant, take a test. You may have an infection. Speak to your doctor about it.

What is the earliest can you leak breast milk?

Many doctors claim that breasts start developing colostrum at around 14 weeks, but some women start leaking before then.

When does milk start coming out your breast when your pregnant?

A few days befor the birth of a child the mother produces colostrum. This is thicker and more yellowish than milk. After about 2-3 days the "real" milk comes in. breast milk changes as you nurse longer to meet the changing needs of the baby.

What are possible options for a woman who's pregnant with a child who has Down syndrome?

They have the same options as if the mother was hveing a normal baby.

Im pregnant with your 3rd child is it normal to be showing at 6 weeks?

According to my OB, he said with each pregnancy you show faster because your uterus is bigger after each child.

How dangereous is a leaking valve in heart of young child?

It matters which valve is leaking, how much is leaking and the cause of the leak. It can be fatal but could be repaired depending on the condition of the valve and the particular valve affected. It is not wise the let the child to get overexerted and it is best to have a cardiologist determine all the variables involved with that particular child.

Is there a way to make your period come back with medicine so you can get pregnant after 52?

Not that it's any of my business, but do you really want to get pregnant after 52? When the child is 10 you'll be in your 60's an be unable to play with the child as normal. And your period isn't the thing that makes you pregnant. But no, you can't. Your hormones have stopped working, hence your period stopping.

In Louisiana Do you still have to pay child support if the child you are paying for becomes pregnant with her own child?

Yes, that doesn't relieve you of your duty to your child pregnant or not.

Is maci bookout pregnant with another child?

No, she is not pregnant at the moment but would like another child.