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Q: Is it safe to take calcium supplement and multivitamins together?
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Is it safe to mix doxycycline with daily multivitamins?

Do not take iron supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, antacids, or laxatives within 2 hours before or after taking doxycycline.

Is it safe to take multivitamins?


Why you should put a calcium supplement in lava lamp?

You should not put a calcium supplement in a lava lamp. Lava lamps are designed to work with specific ingredients that are non-toxic and safe. Adding foreign substances like a calcium supplement could disrupt the functioning of the lamp and potentially be dangerous. Stick to the instructions provided by the manufacturer for best results.

Are multivitamins safe during pregnancy?

yes they are safe but consult your doctor also

Is it safe for a vegan to take a daily supplement that provides the recommended dose of iron calcium and B vitamins Explain why.?

Absolutely... the supplement will feed the body's shortage of the vitamins and minerals it would normally get from eating meat & dairy products.

Is calcium silicate safe to ingest?

Calcium silicate is generally recognized as safe to ingest in small amounts as a food additive. However, large quantities can be harmful, so it is best to avoid consuming it in large doses. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement or additive to your diet.

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Can eating to much wheat kill a horse?

Wheat has an inverted phosphorus to calcium ratio and this can cause reabsorbing of the calcium already present in the horses bones due to the high amount of phosphorus in the feed blocking the absorption of new calcium. This can lead to weakened bones, which could lead to bone breakage and the horse may need to be put down. If wheat is fed you need to supplement the diet with added calcium to balance it out and make it safe to eat.

When is it safe to swim after adding calcium to pool?

Any time you like calcium is harmless

Can you take amino power 3000 Incredible Bulk with multi vitamins Centrum?

Yes you can. They are two separate products. Centrum is a multi-vitamin and Amino Power 3000 is a pure protein supplement that comes from Calcium caseinate; which is good for strength and muscle growth. There are no side effects when taking the two together. But, remember always consult with your doctor just to be safe.

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Is taking dietary supplement safe?

Always check with your doctor if a supplement is right for you or has interactions with medications you may be taking. There are many safe supplements such as meal replacement shakes and vitamins and minerals. More is not always better. Once your doctor okays a supplement for you to use take it as directed.