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I am taking it. I haven't had any of the symptoms described at all.

I am seeing a very well respected doctor in my area. She has been a leader in weight loss surgery as well as medically assisted weight loss for many years.

She doesn't just give you drugs and send you on your way, she requires that you meet with a nutritionist in her office at every visit that you have with her. They help you manage your caloric intake and your medications.

I'd have weight loss surgery, but it is not covered under my crummy health insurance. Maybe someday it will be...but hopefully by then, I won't need it!!

I'd suggest that you not buy it online or in Another Country as it is a controlled substance.

It isn't too terribly expensive, about $35 for a 1 month supply, but it probably isn't covered under your insurance. My doctor has an arrangement with a local pharmacy to fill it for only $25, so that saves me about $10 bucks a month.

Good luck!!

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