You weigh 51.6 (51.58817) pounds.
health care officers use science in their job as they should know how to keep youre body healthy and how tocare for youre body e.g youre muscles and bones.
A healthy composition of them all.
they can have up to 4 or 5. It depends on how healthy they are. youre welcome.
no, the reason for this is because, there is no specific number that can be fgiven. youre ideal weight should based on youre height, weight, age, and stat of puberty
well, it depends what you mean. 16 oz, is a lb., but it depends on what measurement youre looking for.
Your weight on the moon would be about 16.5% of your weight on Earth, due to the moon's lower gravity. So if you weigh 150 pounds on Earth, you would weigh about 25 pounds on the moon.
over time the grip will fade away but almost overnight the bearings will get rusty
Come on dude! Youre a GUY just chill and have fun with your life.
it can be sometimes but Gollum has mental illness and when you were doing that youre just playing a game but its not healthy to actually copy Gollum
well, im 4'10 and im 12 and I weigh 104lbs, and I look chubby...its probobly because im short, so anyway I would say if youre 4'10 you should weigh about 83-100