No, it isn't healthy for anybody at any age to puke on purpose. If she has a stomach virus or isn't feeling well, then it's normal. But puking to lose weight or get rid of food is not a good sign! It more than likely means she has an eating disorder, and needs to see a doctor.
about 90 to 110 pounds, it depends on her height and bone structure.
The healthy weight is about 80-90 doesnt matter as long as your healthy!
Yes anything between 7 to 10 stone is normal
Yeh obviously who ever heard of a eleven year old girl who could never sing.
Unless you are also eleven, you don't.
Simply asking would be ideal
No. An eleven year old girl should only go out with groups of friends.
An eleven year old girl can lose weight safely by eating healthy. The girl can also do light exercises. Always speak with a doctor before starting any diet or exercise regimen.
first get to know her as if she was your sister then ask her if she sees you as her boyfriend
No it isn't, you have a BMI in the healthy range, and you also have the height to carry this weight off!