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Q: Is glucose metabolism exergonic
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Is the action of lactase endergonic or exergonic?

The action of lactase is exergonic because it breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose, releasing energy in the process.

Is glycolysis Endergonic or exergonic?

Glycogen is a storage polysaccharide made up of glucose units.The synthesis of glycogen is endergonic. That is energy has to be supplied for the synthesis process.The breakdown of glycogen is exergonic. that is energy is primarily released during the process.

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Is a key feature of the body metabolism almost exclusive use of exergonic reactions by the body?


Is cellular respiration exergonic or endergonic?

Cellular respiration, or aerobic cellular respiration, is exergonic because energy is released from the breakdown of glucose and therefore the products have less energy then the starting substance.

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Is aerobolic exergonic or endurgonic?

Aerobic processes are exergonic, meaning they release energy. Aerobic respiration, for example, breaks down glucose with the help of oxygen to produce ATP and energy.

How does glucose metabolism demonstrate a homeostasis metabolism?

Glucose metabolism demonstrates homeostasis by maintaining stable blood glucose levels through a balance of glucose production (glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis) and glucose utilization (glycolysis and oxidation). Insulin and glucagon help regulate this balance by promoting storage or release of glucose as needed, allowing the body to meet energy demands while preventing glucose levels from becoming too high or too low.

What is the metabolism of glucose when oxygen is present is called?

It's called "Aerobic Metabolism"

What is the metabolism of the glucose when oxygen is present called?

It's called "Aerobic Metabolism"

What is called when the metabolism of glucose when oxygen is presented?

It's called "Aerobic Metabolism"