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yes bugs carry germs and some bugs are poisious

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Yes it carries germs.

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Q: Is eating bugs bad
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How do bugs help trees?

They can help by eating the bad part of the tree.

Why might you leave a restaurant before eating there?

dirty, bad service, crowded, bugs, long wait

When was Man Eating Bugs created?

Man Eating Bugs was created in 1998.

What are the good bugs and bad bugs?

The bad bugs usually wear black hats.

Are lighting bugs good or bad bugs?

Good, they don't do anything bad to you or other bugs

Should a duckling eat bugs?

They will be fine eating bugs.

If I have scorpions in my house and find dead bugs are they eating the bugs?


Can there be food eating spirits?

no just food eating bugs

Do chickens eat manure?

They will peck at manure. Manure attracts bugs and bugs is good eating. The hens are not actually eating the fecal matter, they are eating the insects that are eating the manure.

What is entomophagy?

The practice of eating bugs.

What bugs are eating your eggplants?

my d

Why might you leave a restaraunt before eating there?

1. Dirty 2. Bad Service 3. Crowded 4. Bugs 5. Long Wait