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A donkey is NOT a cud-chewing animal.

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Q: Is donkey a cud chewing animal or not?
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What is cud in French?

"To chew the cud" is "ruminer" "The cud" is "la panse" A cud-chewing animal is "un ruminant"

Why are cows constantly chewing?

The times you see them chewing are when they are chewing their cud.

What country calls gum cud chewing?

If you are asking why they call it that, it could be because some people look like like they are chewing their cud while they are chewing gum. Cud it regurgitated feed that the cow then rechews.

What is a cud of an animal?

Cud is partly digested forage that is regurgitated back up from the reticulo-rumen to be rechewed again to enable further digestion of starches. Animals like cattle chew cud when they are resting. When they are done chewing cud, they swallow it back down again.

If an animal chews 'cud' what is it doing?

Resting and chewing partially digested plant matter it ate when grazing or eating hay or grain.

Cud chewing is an adaptation found in?


How can you use the word cud in a sentence?

"The cow chewed its cud." Cud (noun), partly digested food returned from the first stomach of ruminants to the mouth for further chewing. A ruminant is an animal that has a stomach system such that it chews its cud. This includes cattle, sheep, antelopes, deer, giraffes, and their relatives.

R meaning cow chewing cud?


Is zebra cud chewing?

No. Zebra are close cousins to horses, which are not cud-chewing animals because none of them have four chambers in their stomachs; just one simple stomach.

What is a lump of chewing tobacco?

A lump of chewing tobacco is called a quid. A variant of the word: cud quid - (noun) a lump of chewing tobacco

What do you call the food that a cow brings back to its mouth to chew?

Cud. Cows regergitate grass and it is call cud. Hence cows chew their cud.