Chicken stock is a liquid. And it is fine to give to a 6 month old, especially one who is suffering from a cold. Last time I checked, liquids are soft.
"no, babys should only have soft food, unless you can make the chicken soft in some way."
not a good situation
a chicken is good with any family whether they have a baby, a dog or kids.
A good substitute for seafood stock in recipes is vegetable stock or chicken stock. These alternatives can provide a similar depth of flavor without the seafood taste.
good chance for chicks(baby chicken)
It depends on the baby-sitter and if he/she is good to the baby or not!
It is my question as well.
Peek-a-Boo, and maybe "where's the kitty?" is about it for an infant of that age.
Good question! If the stock is a light golden color, it's ok. If the stock is a dark yellow or brown, don't use. This would be if you are using turkey or chicken broth. If you are working with beef stock, a tan color is ok. If it is a light brown, that's ok as well. If the beef broth is dark brown or a very oddly colored black don't use. Beef broth is darker then turkey or chicken stock.
no that lotion isn't good for the face of a baby.
i would say maybe a month or less gives them a idea on what going on with the baby no medical problems their hearing is also good this to gives them time to focus.
Chickens will eat 1 cup of dry feed every day. They each get 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 in the evening.
You don't get the chicken salt out of the chickens, but you do use chicken stock in the making of chicken salt. A good recipe is one part chicken stock to one part plain table salt, but you'll probably find some better recipes if you Google it.