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Chicken stock is a liquid. And it is fine to give to a 6 month old, especially one who is suffering from a cold. Last time I checked, liquids are soft.

"no, babys should only have soft food, unless you can make the chicken soft in some way."

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Q: Is chicken stock good for a 7 month old baby?
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It is my question as well.

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Peek-a-Boo, and maybe "where's the kitty?" is about it for an infant of that age.

Diff between good stock and bad stock?

Good question! If the stock is a light golden color, it's ok. If the stock is a dark yellow or brown, don't use. This would be if you are using turkey or chicken broth. If you are working with beef stock, a tan color is ok. If it is a light brown, that's ok as well. If the beef broth is dark brown or a very oddly colored black don't use. Beef broth is darker then turkey or chicken stock.

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What month is a baby supposed to open there eyes?

i would say maybe a month or less gives them a idea on what going on with the baby no medical problems their hearing is also good this to gives them time to focus.

How many times do you feed a baby chicken?

Chickens will eat 1 cup of dry feed every day. They each get 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 in the evening.

Do you put chicken salt on chicken?

You don't get the chicken salt out of the chickens, but you do use chicken stock in the making of chicken salt. A good recipe is one part chicken stock to one part plain table salt, but you'll probably find some better recipes if you Google it.