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Q: Is chicken a low protein food?
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Is their protein in a chicken salad?

Yes, chicken is a high protein food, as is all meat

What food group does chicken go in?

chicken stock is derived from chicken - therefore it is a protein and goes in the eat moderately food group in the food pyramid.

What is a food in the protein food group?

beef, chicken, pork, etc. nuts also have a lot of protein

What food group is a chicken wrap?

chicken wrap is from carbohydrate which is the wrap itself and protein from the chicken

Can diabetics eat chicken?

Yes, but stay away from fast food chicken. Chicken bought in a supermarket uncooked is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. This especially good for type 2 diabetics. Fast food chicken is loaded with fat, carbohydrates and not much better than eating a burger.

What food group does chicken stock go in?

chicken stock is derived from chicken - therefore it is a protein and goes in the eat moderately food group in the food pyramid.

What food group does chicken pie belong in?

Chicken is a meat, so it's protein.

What group of food does the fried chicken belong?

Fried chicken belongs in the protein food group, along with meat, fish, beans, eggs and nuts.

What is junk food low in?


What are the food groups in a chicken burrito?

Protein, Carbohydrates and fat.

How can fried chicken help you?

It has some protein but is not a healthy food.

Why do you have chicken for lunch?

Chickens are raise for food. A term called poultry farming. Chicken is an essential part of our daily diet as our bodies need protein and chicken has a lot of protein in it. Protein is good for building muscles.