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Yes , you cOuld feel too anxious to eat were felling not hungry.

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Q: Is anxiety hunger related
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There are a variety of symptoms that could be related to hypoglycemia. Some of the common symptoms are confusion, visual disturbances or loss of conciousness. Some other symptoms that may occur are anxiety, sweating, hunger, shakiness or heart palpitations.

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It isn't proven that the dinosaurs died from hunger. See the related question below.

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Persistent stress and anxiety is a definite trigger for excessive hunger. Eating disorders like bulimia cause excessive hunger. At times, excessive hunger might also be tell-tale sign of a worm infestation in the intestine.

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You can purchase Hunger Games T-shirts by seeing the Related Link below.

Is loneliness related to depression or boredom?

absolutely! Anxiety as well.

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See Related Links below for the link to the 'The Hunger Games' trailer.

Is there an official Hunger Games trailer?

Yes, there is an official 'The Hunger Games' trailer.See Related Links below for the official trailer.

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Social anxiety disorder is often related to people that were shy as children. Clinical depression can also be linked to those who were shy children.