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depends on the person. for some its to skinny; for some its real pretty.

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Q: Is a 5'3 117 pound girl too skinny?
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You are 46 at 117 pounds is that too skinny?

That depends on your height, body type, male or female.

Is 164 pounds too skinny for a 12 year old girl?

no its too big

Will niall horan's ever date a skinny girl?

He prefers curvy, but he would also go for skinny too.

Is 46 kilograms skinny?

That's about 101 pound. Whether that is too lean depends on our age, gender, and height.

Is 130 to skinny for a 5' 10 16 year old girl?

no. that is a healthy weight. any less than that is too skinny though.

Are girl skinny jeans supposed to sag?

no, not usually. if that does happen they are a little too big for her

Are models too skinny?

yes. way too skinny. unhealthily skinny.

Is plus size women are hot?

no they can be, I personally think a girl who's too skinny is no good.

How skinny is to skinny?

When you get skinny jeans, and they're too big.

When is too skinny?

you are too skinny when a pice of paper is fatter than you

Is it bad to be skinny?

If you are too skinny then yes but if you are skinny then yes it is healthy.

Is 125lbs too fat for a 5'4 19 year old girl?

Not at all you are actually very skinny. Keep it up girl!