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it might be a little wierd tasting but you should be okay if your stomach is not very sensitive

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Q: Is Whey Protein hard on your stomach if you are not used to eating it?
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Is whey protein drink hard on kidney function?

Whey protein drinks are indeed great for muscle building. There doesn't seem to be any conclusive studies concluding that whey protein has adverse effects on the kidneys, however doctors do caution that extended long-term use could have a deteriorating effect on the kidneys.

Is hemp protein as good as whey protein?

Each have their advantages and disadvantages. Per gram, whey has higher protein content than hemp; however, hemp protein has more fiber and a perfect balance of Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9 fatty acids. The fiber aids digestion and the fatty acids help with blood pressure among other things. Both hemp and whey are high in amino acids. Hemp actually contains all known amino acids and all 8 essential aminos. So, in short, hemp is a great source of protein, aminos, fiber and fatty acids. To say it's "better" than whey would be hard. Whey is also a great source of protein so you need to weigh (no pun intended) what's most important to you.

What is a sentence with the word stomach in it?

My stomach is empty.I have a stomach ache.The truth was hard to stomach.

Should you take whey protein every day?

Whey protein is better than other proteins because it has the highest Biological Value (BV) of any known protein. This means that the proportion of protein that is absorbed and incorporated into your body's proteins is higher from whey protein than from other protein sources.Even though whey protein is the best kind, you can easily consume enough protein to meet your body's needs through other forms of protein, you just have to consume a bit more than you otherwise would if you were consuming whey protein.Also, there is one very good reason why whey protein can be better than other protein sources. If you get un-denatured whey protein, it will substantially boost your intracellular glutathione. This is a very big deal.In order to boost your glutathione production, you need raw protein. Some protein powders are denatured and some are un-denatued. You need an un-denaturedprotein. Think about it, where else can you get raw protein in your diet?Protein is good for you

What does it mean if my stomach is big pushed out and hard especially after eating?

You have eat to much or could be pregnate

Why is protein bad for you?

Unless you have kidney damage, or massively over-consume protein, without fat, which is hard to do eating normal foods, then protein is perfectly safe to eat.

Which is better for fast muscle growth whey protein or creatine?

many prefer creatine over whey protein because whey protein has to be constantly mixed with a shake and by finishing the shake before any workout, you may feel bloated and full. creatine comes in pills which is a lot easier than getting full on a shake, so therefore, creatine would be the better substance to take for any hard core workout.

Can a supplement of whey protein gradually affect the digestive system I work out hard...weights and cardio.?

Im guessing you mean negativly affect the digestive system. This will depend on a number of factors but in short a sensible whey protein supplement as part of a otherwise healthy diet will not negativly affect the digestive system...not even gradually. Execess consumption of whey protein supplement or any kind of protein for that matter can have a negative affect on the liver. It can also cause constipation and or excessive flatulence. There is a number of rather in depth scientific research articles out there that deal with long term protein supplementation and I am yet to find one that indicates sensible whey protein supplementation may have a negative affect on a healthy digestive system. Also one last thing. A supplement is only necessary when you are not receiving adequet amounts from your diet, you are simply wasting time and money if you are taking a supplement that you already get enough of through your diet.

Does food with fat digest slower than foods with protein?

Fat digests almost twice as fast as protein. Because protein is typically hard to digest, it takes longer for the stomach acid to dissolve it than any other types of food.

Is the consumption of diet supplements safe?

Yes, it is safe as long as you talk to a doctor first. Many supplements such as protein/whey powders are beneficial as they also provide micro nutrients to they body hard to obtain through regular diet.

What is the best protein supplements?

With so many protein shakes out there i understand and have been through the costly and hard process of actually picking a good one! I would recommend whey protein. Whey protein is simply fast absorbing protein. This means you can take it straight after your workout and it will quickly go to your muscles making it very effective. Its Optimum Nutrition 100% whey gold. From a glance the cost may seem a bit much. However, a few shakes that cost around £20 seem good until you realise that they may look big but soon run out. As well as this they don't supply as much protein per serving so are not as effective. The 100% Whey gives 24g per serving of really effective whey, for a good price. As well as being effective it lasts a long time, more so if you buy a big tub. the price goes up of course but saves you buying more, saving money in the long run.

Should you take whey protein before running and after running?

Never take it before running cause the lactose (whey) in protein is bad for your knees and can ruin your knees if you run with it in your system, plus a heavy substance in your system when running will make you feel sick. Take it afterwards when your body is looking for protein to rebuild the muscles and since usually people dont feel like eating right after cardio workout, protein with water or shake will be easier on your stomach.IMPROVED ANSWER:What?Rest assured, taking whey protein will in no way ever "ruin your knees." Furthermore, there is very little lactose in most whey mixtures, and none at all in a whey isolate mixture.Additionally, whey is not a "heavy substance" that will make you feel sick if you ingest it before running. However, it is true that whey is best eaten after a hard workout to help re-fuel your muscles. Even so, if you want to drink a whey shake before a run, help yourself. Your body will use the portein either way.