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Did you mean 5'4? When I was 12, I was 116 pounds at 5'5. .

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Q: Is 116 pounds fat for a 12 year old that is 54?
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Is 116 pounds big for 5'5 15 year old girl?

116 pounds is actually amazingly good.If you are 116 pounds you are not fat and should be very proud of yourself.:)

Is 116 pounds overweigt for a 5'2 15 year old girl?

noooo. 116 seems about normal, depending on how much muscle you have.

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How can a 16 year old girl lose 8 to 10 pounds in 1 week who weighs 116 pounds?

i do not think there is a healthy way to do that. you should not be losing more than 2-4 pounds per week. and at 116 pounds what are you worried about!?

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no !

How fat should a 11 year old be?

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Is 115 pounds fat for a 10 year old who is 5 foot?

no that is about average.