Well you are much too under weight if you are 5'5 and wiegh 125 pounds. At that point girls should wiegh 600 pounds. If you are a boy and that height you should wiegh at least 775 pounds. If this is not your weight you should deffinantly call a specialist and ask about your rare dissorder called tiny disorder. And hurry up because you don't want people to be making fun of you all the time! Also, Sam and lexy are the best girls specialists but they live in Iraq.
you should way about 125-145 pounds. It depends on your height. some people who say everything depends on your height are wrong. you can be short and 125 or tall and be 150 you should way about 125-145 pounds. It depends on your height. some people who say everything depends on your height are wrong. you can be short and 125 or tall and be 150
You should way in your 85-100 pounds (:
if you are a girl that is 5ft and 2in, don't worry about your weight. you are beautiful the way you are.... but if you really want to know how much you should weigh, you should weigh about 75-106lbs because i weigh 75lbs and i am 11 and i am 5ft 2 in
he should weigh about 98 lbs. is there a problem about the way this kid feels about the weight.
I am 5 foot 1 and a half and I am supposed to weigh between 115 and 125. I think it depends on your body type. Like for me, 115 would be way too small! I am shooting for 125. Only 63 pounds to go! LOL
around 90lbs no way 200lb!!!
125 pounds
She should way about 90-100 pounds.
way or weigh?
an 15 year old should way about 50-70kg's... i think!
I am 12 years old and I only weigh about 82. But everyone is pretty in their own way so do not take this as a hit about your weight. Nobody needs to be skinny to be pretty. I personally don't think I am pretty but, oh well😄🌻🌻 the proper weigh for a twelve year old is about 125.
An average 5'8" teen should weigh about 115-135. This is for boys.