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It all depends on your calories intake and physical activity. If you consume more calories than what your body needs despite loosing 800 calories a day, you wouldn't loose any weight.

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Q: If you were to lose 800 calories each day how much would you lose by 6 months?
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How do you lose fat in 5th grade?

you have to lose calories you do that by excising and lose 500 calories each say for one week no junk food you will lose 1 pound in a week if you only lose 500 calories each or 1000 each day you will lose 2 pounds

How many calories should you cut a week to lose a pound?

There are 3500 calories in one pound. Cutting 500 calories a day would make you lose one pound each week.

If you eat 500 calories less each day how much weight will you loose in a week?

You wont lost any weight in order to lose weight you have to burn the calories you consumed plus more. There are 3500 calories per pound. In order to lose weight you would have to lose the 500 calories you consumed each day, and considering the fact you eat 500 calories per day you would have to times 500 by 7 and that equals 3500 calories In order to lose a pound in a week you would have to burn 7000 calories per week.

How many calories would you lose if yousprint 100 meters?

you would lose 300 calories in a 100 metre sprint

If you lose 300 calories a day how much pounds would you lose in 3 months?

It depends on how much you eat. A pound of fat is 3500 calories. So if you are eating the right amount then at that rate you will burn a pound of fat in about 11-12 days. Its important to note that just because the cardio machine tells you that you're burning 300 calories doesn't necessarily make it so. Your body also burns more calories as your body repairs. Now the above assumes you are eating the right amount. If you eat too much then it will take you longer.

How many calories should be restricted for weight loss?

You would need to lose 3500 Calories to lose 1poundDecrease your daily calories by 30%.

Where do calories go after you lose them?

You can't "lose" calories (well, I suppose you could misplace a pie, in which case you would have lost the calories represented by that pie).

How many calories should a 61 year old woman eat daily to lose 20 lbs in 6 months?

2000 calories

How many calories do you have to eat less a day to loose 15 pounds?

It depends on how fast you want to lose those 15 pounds by. To lose one solid pound of body weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. For 15 pounds, that means you need to burn 52,500 more calories than you consume. Here is the breakdown of the time it would take and the calories that would need to be cut out.... (this is also assuming that you are exercising and burning a considerable number of calories, daily, too.) * 1 month = 1750 calories less daily. * 2 months = 875 calories less daily. * 3 months = 580 calories less daily. * 6 months = 290 calories less daily. * 1 year = 145 calories less daily.

How many calories must you burn to lose 5 kg?

To lose a pound you have to burn 3500 so times five would be 17500 calories and you would lose five pounds, good luck!

If i lost 55 calories how much did i lose in weight?

* yes about 5 pounds This is wrong. There are 3500 calories in a pound. You must "lose" 3500 calories through diet or exercise to lose 1 pound. It would take a reduction of 17,500 calories to lose 5 pounds.

You weight 290 pounds and you want to lose 100 in six months how many calories do you need to burn per day?

It takes 3,500 calories burnt more than are consumed in a day. To lose 100 pounds, that means that 350,000 calories need to be burnt. The average month has 30 days in it, so 6 months is 180 days. That means that you would need to burn about 2,000 (1,944 calories, to be exact) a day more than what you consume. So if you eat 1,200 calories a day, you then need to burn off 3,200 calories every day.