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uhm...yes you will faint, maybe even more than that. 500 calories is a DANGEROUSLY low calorie intake. A NORMAL growing teenager should at LEAST intake 2000 calories daily. if you want to loose weight than maybe eat 250-500 calories less than what you normally consume. but the best way is to burn more than you consume. even stretching helps with burning fat. your body burns 1200 calories everyday just by resting.

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Q: If you eat 500 calories will you faint?
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If you eat 700 calories and exercise and loose 500 calories does that mean you have 200 calories left?

yes you will have 200 calories left but you should be eating 2000 calories each day and burn of 500 calories

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There is only one way to lose 500 calories quick. You will have to workout and eat healthy.

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If you eat 500 calories a day can you lose weight?

of course, not healthy though

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You wont lost any weight in order to lose weight you have to burn the calories you consumed plus more. There are 3500 calories per pound. In order to lose weight you would have to lose the 500 calories you consumed each day, and considering the fact you eat 500 calories per day you would have to times 500 by 7 and that equals 3500 calories In order to lose a pound in a week you would have to burn 7000 calories per week.

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500 calories is not nearly enough for anyone to eat, especially someone who is that active. I would imagine that it is unhealthy to only eat that much.

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500 more than the average amount of calories you eat nowe.gif you have a calorie input of 1500 ...try to make it to 2000I think you have to eat over 2500 calories

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Well, you've "lost" 200 calories. Or your body has used 200 calories worth of sugar, fat, or protein.

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Will be roughly 500 calories pizza is the worst thing to eat

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I would believe that 500 calories is 500 calories. So yes, they are equal in calorie amount.

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When you eat 2400 calories a day how many more calories are needed to gain a pound?

Add 500 calories per day to gain 1 pound per week.