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Yes of course. Everyone is born with abs and overweight people just have a big layer of fat covering them. alot of fitness and maybe a tummy tuck is necessary in order to physically see the abs

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15y ago
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13y ago

You might not no it but everyone has abs! The thing is that you just can't see the defined. You should see them defined at age 13, but if you want to lose fat and get abs sooner go browse for ways to clean your liver. Hope that helped. :)

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9y ago

You sure can. I'm overweight & i have a 4-pack wanna see? xD

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Q: If you are fat can you get abs?
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What can you do if you don't want abs?

get fat... or get lazy... or don't exercise your abs...

Can running help your abs?

Yes, it will definitely help you maintain your abs. Running is the #1 way to fight belly fat and since fat attacks your abs it helps get rid of the fat that is in your system. In addition, running 7.5 mph a 160-man can burn 928 calories a hour.

Should you work your abs every day?

Abs are also muscles like your chest and arms. And spot reduction of fat is not possible. Fat gets burns when you do ab workout but the fat is not from your abs alone. It comes from all over your body. so train your abs like any other muscle, twice or at the maximum thrice a week and start doing cardio activities to quicken your fat loss goals.

Is Zac effron fat?

Zac Effron is definitely absolutely not fat!! He has abs... and I think he is hot.

Why can't you get abs?

because you may have to much abdominal fat and your abs may not show through it all...FATTY

How many crunchers does it take to get abs?

Crunches will help you to get abs however, you will not be able to see them without losing weight. If you have a layer of fat over your abs, no amount of crunches will give you the abs that you are looking for.

Do you have to see a 6 pack abs for it to be 6 pack abs?

everyone has a 6 pack, but body fat covers it. So to be able to see your 6 pack, you must burn off that layer of fat over you abdomen.

How do lose the fat from your lower abs?

put down the fork

How Need to lose belly fat and get flat abs?

work out

Why does it look like I have abs when I don't?

Everyone has abs, sometimes when you can't see them its just hiding under body fat.

Why do people say toned abs are fitter than six pack abs isn't six pack abs stronger and harder than toned abs?

Tonned muscle are just a lazy persons way of saying the do medium reps, medium weight. Abs that show e,g six pack abs are all to do with your body fat percentage. Your abs (core strength) is all to do with your work out. Not what people say. Viewable abs are all down to how much fat you have, not how hard you work out.

How can you find an easy six abs diet?

The best way to find a six pack abs diet is to focus on a diet that trims fat from your body. Regardless of how well exercised our abs are, they will not show through as a "six pack", unless excess fat is trimmed from your midsection.