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any excercise will help you lose the belly fat. drink lots of water too, it will help you drop weight really quickly. just make sure that you stay hydrated. do crunches, pushups, jump rope, ect. i play softball and that's what we do, and it really helps too stay in shape

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Q: I am 17 years old about 5'5 i weigh about 186lbs. I eat healthy. Will running a mile everyday help me lose belly fat?
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By running

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any exercise that makes your heart rate go up is considered an aerobic exercise. 20 minutes if aerobics everyday help you lose belly fat!

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To rid yourself of belly fat, begin with a healthy, low-fat diet. Get some form of cardiovascular exercise each day, such as walking and running. Do belly-toning exercises, such as crunches, to tighten the abdominal muscles.

How can a teenager lose belly fat?

Eat healthy, make sure to drink lots of water, exercise! (my favorites for a good, quick, and fun workout are zumba, running, and swimming!) Hope this helps!

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to your belly them healthy food comes out.

Will the 3 Weeks to a 30-Minute Running Habit help you to loss lower belly fat?

yes it will cause that is one of the best way to lose wait fast but it must be balanced with healthy food

Does belly reduces by consuming oats every morning?

Belly does not reduces but colon hurriedly evacuates and heart healthy is increases.

Is it true that blueberries help you to lose belly fat?

No, going to the gym and eating healthy will make you lose belly fat.

Why is belly dancing a healthy way of reducing fat?

Belly Dance is a form of exercise, Which can help for burns 250-300 calories per hour. It can strength your cardiovascular system and improve your stamina. So belly dance is a healthy way of reducing fat.

Does sea salt help burn belly fat?

I don't believe ingesting salt will help you lose weight/trim your belly fat. In fact, I think if you have too much salt in your diet, your cholesterol is going to go through the roof, and cause a whole host of heart/artery and other problems. It may be more healthy than regular table salt, which is mainly Sodium Chloride (NaCl). However, taking extra salt to try and loose weight, does NOT seem like a healthy option. The best way to lose belly fat....sit-ups, crunches, and RUNNING. Running is the best way to burn fat, and while your running, make sure to stand upright, so you force your abdominal muscles (your abs/your belly) to work and burn the fat.