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you can always reduce your weight by reducing the amount of calories and fat intake in your daily diet. by cutting back on sweets and oil/fat your should be able to lose some body fat.

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Q: How you can reduce your weight 10 kg in one month with out exercise?
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How do you reduce weight in one month?

You eat less, move more.

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You can reduce your cholesterol through a variety of actions. One of these actions includes daily exercise. Since running is considered to be exercise, you should be able to loose weight. Running will make you heathier.

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How do you lose ten pounds in one month?

The best way to lose ten pounds in one month is to sweat. Sweating can make you lose a very large amount of water weight very quickly.

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Eating right, drinking lots of water, light weight training and regular exercise can help you to feel more fit in one month.


diet try chia seeds and take a run every morning and dont eat when boared

Is there a diet that will help me lose weight in one month?

Any diet in which you reduce your caloric intake and step up your physical activity will result in a weight loss. You must first determine how many calories are necessary to maintain your current weight. For every reduction of 500 calories in that amount, you will lose one pound per week. If you reduce your calories by 1000 each day, you will lose two pounds per week. If you add exercise daily, you can deduct those calories, too , for even more weight loss.

How can you gain weight in one month in healthy way at home?

You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.

How do you reduce 20 kg in one month without exercising?

First of all sorry to this, by doing exercises and diet also we cannot cut 20 kg weight in a month. We need to wait minimum 5 months to find that much of weight reduction.

Is morning walk good for reduce belly fat or reduce weight?

An an aerobic exercise walking is definitely a good way to start loosing weight if you are just starting out, and even for those of greater fitness and stamina it is still a refreshing and mood improving way to start the day. However in order to loose weight walking needs to be but one component of a holistic program of weight loss management including diet, life style factors, and exercise.

Is it true that dietary fiber helps you lose more fat?

One thing, and one thing only, will reduce your weight, and that's changing your calorie consumption (through diet/exercise). Fiber can make you feel full and contains few calories, so it tends to reduce the number of calories you are consuming, leading to weight loss.