If you gain weight quickly you will have fat problems. And if you lose weight too quickly you will suffer anorexia before you have a chance to gain the average weight. And that is the truth.
You make an elixir from the sorrcerer's stone
You Dont...
sometimes when you gain weight so quickly. you get a tingling sensation in your legs. you kinda turn into a human mermaid and you become quite constipated.
Consume lots of water durhead!
There are a great many things that gain and lose heat. Metals for example gain and lose heat much more quickly than gasses.
You don't do it that quickly.
Oddly, you can evolve it quickly by exposing it to a Moon Stone.
The stone will crack before Arun put it into the water.
steriods helped me put on 6 stone
A diet of carbs and fats will gain weight quickly. Bread, ice-cream, vegetables like potatoes and carrots will all help someone gain weight quickly. Also fruits are high in sugars and can be consumed to gain weight.