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You can expect to lose anywhere from 3-10 pounds depending on your exercise level. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated because if you become dehydrated, your body will retain water and cause you to put on weight. When you are finished fasting, slowly reintroduce your body to food such as fresh vegetables and fruits. Jumping right back into your normal diet could be detrimental to your health.

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13y ago

You might loose a few pounds before you die of malnutrition.

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Q: How much will you lose if you eat nothing for 3 weeks?
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How do you become thin in 1 or 2 weeks?

diet. eat fruit for breakfast and eat a health bar for lunch drink water and have a yummy stirfry for supper. But NOTHING is going to make you lose 30-100 pounds in 2 weeks

How much weight can you lose weekly by starvation?

Dont eat nothing! You can lose lots of weight if you eat a couple of almonds, some celery, some wattermelon, water and sugar and excersizing alot.

If you only eat bread and drink water for 2 weeks how much weight could you lose?

Youll lose properly 5 pounds . I know it sucks but as much water and bread you eat , 2x more you gain back because of metabolism

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8 pounds

Is it normal to lose weight while doing nothing?

yes. if you mean nothing as in eat nothing.

I am 19 year old and weigh 135 lbs I'm going on vacation in 3 weeks. What should I eat and how should I exercise to lose 15lbs?

The only way to lose that much weight in three weeks is to cut off a limb!

How do you lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks?

Eat less exercise more!

Will you lose weight if you eat nothing but chocolate?

Depending on how much you eat and how healthy that chocolate is, you could lose a little weight, but it is not advides and you would most likely feel sick most of the time, while losing relatively no weight.

Can you really lose weight on the eat anything diet?

The answer is yes you can. The best thing you can remember while trying to lose weight is its not what you eat but how much of it you eat. Depriving yourself of the foods you love will do nothing but make you break your diet plans, instead try to eat what you like in small amounts.

If you dont eat all day how much do you lose?

Most likely nothing. When u dont eat u arent losing weight, u actually gain more.

How do you lose 2 stone in 9 weeks?

Cut off one of your legs? There is simply no healthy way for you to lose that much weight. You are a perfectly normal weight for your height, and if you do want to lose a few pounds just eat less and do more exercise.

How much will you lose if you eat fruits one day meats another day?

you will probably lose nothing cause when you want to lose weight you want to be eating a serving of meat with a veggie and you would want a glass of water for your drink.....