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It is impossible to answer that question. Weight gain/loss is determined by the number of calories that you burn versus the number of calories that you eat.

If you eat more than you burn, you gain. If you burn more than you eat, you loose.

Obviously, if you eat nothing, you'll loose weight. The problem is that you'll also cause serious medical problems and end up "burning" muscle mass. When you do that you loose from critical functions of your body, such as heart muscle. That kind of damage does not repair itself quickly.

I highly recommend that you not starve yourself like that. If you insist on doing something quickly, talk to a doctor and get help with your diet.

Understand that you put the weight on slowly and if you try to take it off too quickly you could cause serious injury and even death.

Everyone believes that "it won't happen to me", until it does.

AnswerPlease don't starve yourself. Starvation is hazardous to the body and ultimately ineffective for long-term weight loss: as soon as you cease the starvation, you will gain back whatever weight you lost.

You may have anorexia nervosa if you have a desire to starve yourself- please consult psychiatric help for an evaluation for a diagnosis and to determine appropriate treatment.

you wont gain weight or anything !! I've tried it and lose 17 pounds in a week but in that week i felt really dizzy and stuff.
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It varies from person to person. Some may lose a drastoc amount, while some may lose a couple to no pounds. A lot goes on with your body when you starve it, such as it actually lowering your metabolism immensly(body stores all energy for fear of not getting more). I would NEVER recommend this to anyone, especially my clients because its unhealthy. Besides, as soon as you start eating again, your body just puts all the weight right back on, and sometimes more because it is not trained to burn the calories, and its confused. So just don't do it. Not really any upside to it.

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Starving for a week will make you lose weight but it is very dangerous because you may end up dying. The best way to lose weight is to eat low carbohydrate food and mostly vegetables.

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13y ago

5-15 pounds

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Q: How much weight will you lose a week if you starve myself?
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Is it harmful to starve yourself to lose weight?

Yes, very much...

How much weight will you lose if you starve for one month?

I doubt that you can starve yourself for a month as your body will not allow it. It all depends on how much you weigh now and how active you are.

Im a 16 year old 5'3'' female that weighs 155 if i starve yourself for a week how much weight can i lose?

The answer to this is that if you do starve yourself you'll GAIN WEIGHT! Just eat healthy and excersize.

You want to lose 6 kg in one week?

You can't - even if you starve yourself (which is dangerous) you could not lose that much weight in 7 days.

How much weight can you lose if you starve yourself for 2 weeks?

Starvation is not the answer to achieving weight loss ... exercise is ... lots of exercise. Food is an essential to survival.

How can you lose a lot of weight fast i am 10 st and want to be much less i am also 14 years old?


You want to lose about 15 kgs in 2 weeks how can you achieve this?

You can't - even if you starve yourself (which is dangerous) you could not lose that much weight in 14 days.

If you are 5' 1 and 178 pounds how much weight will you lose by fasting for 5 days?

Uhhh dont starve youself pleasee!!!

If you are a 230 pound 13-year-old and you starve yourself for 10 days how much weight will you lose - or is there a much better and safer way to lose weight?

Starving yourself is a rediculous and extremely unhealthy way of losing weight. Your body needs vitamins and minerals in order to lose weight in a healthy way. No matter how much you eat, (to a certain extent) if you eat healthy and you excercise consistantly, you will lose weight.

How much weight can you lose starve for month?

OH MY GOSH!! Don't ever starve yourself! It is so unbelievably bad I can't explain. Try exercising for and get on a HEALTHY diet plan instead.

I've starved myself for 7 days living only on water how much weight can you lose?

you wont lose weight you may even put more on due to starvation

How much can you lose weight with outing food for a month?

try weight watchers because im a model so like ya i really don't have to but i mean from what ive heard about it it sounds like it really works and don't starve yourself i mean im a model and i eat chocolate and everything else and i don't make myself puke either. Some models do but i encourge you not to starve yourself