The human body is 75% water. We need water for energy, detoxification, fighting dehydration and overall well being. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
The RDA is 2 liters of water per day, but this includes the water in the food that you eat. The water in food is significant: for instance, apples are 85% water.
Opinions from contributors include drinking 2 to 3 litres (33.8 ounces per litre) a day, or 8 to 12 glasses of water a day, depending on your size, physical activity, and overall health. It also can increase in hot, dry climates.
A good rule is to divide your weight (in pounds) by two to determine your water needs (in ounces per day). For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should consume at least 75 ounces of water per day.
An easy way to know if you're drinking enough is to look at your urine. Urine should be a pale light yellow color. If the color is dark yellow the odds are you're dehydrated and should drink more.
You can calculate your specific water needs by clicking on the Related Link.
"you might be able to drink 1 or 2 but this one lady drank 3 and she died"
In the event you are dumb enough to try and drink 3 liters all at once or in a row yes you would likely get water poisoning and possibly die for you over did it! You're body is supposed to tell you you are too full and thus need to pace out the amount you drink. Many people freak out when preggo or in military training and think that if they haven't drank the amount they are supposed to have during the day. They need to make up for it all at once... This is a STUPID idea for you physically can not process that much water all at once you should pace out 1 glass of water every hour or 2 no more then 3-4 cups/glasses with in an hour...
and try to have 12 cups every day you can survive with on only 3 cups a day you will be very tired and probably have headaches but you won't die, you can live up to 3 days with out water but it depends on the temperature in a desert only about a day... but in a cold climet about 3 days and in snow around 2-3 days. though you could eat the snow... the goal is to drink 12 cups every day. and if preggo about 16 cups total throughout the day if you can manage to keep it down.
About 2 litres (6 to 8 glasses) is a good minimum guideline; this increases depending on the climate temperatures, your body size, and how active you are.
64 fluid ounces of water is generally accepted as the recommended daily intake for an adult, but this includes allthe water you consume in liquid and food form. So your morning coffee, the milk in your cereal, the water contained in the apple you may have eaten, the water contained in the chicken dinner you may eat tonight, etc. all counts toward your intake.
Multiply your weight in pounds by .66 than divide that number by 8.
This gives you the actual number of 8oz. glasses you should consume daily.
125lbs. x .66= 82.5
82.5 divide /8= 10.31 glasses per day
I would suggest an average of about 8 glasses everyday, enough that your urine is clear. In countries where there is less humidity 10 glasses might not be required but in hot and humid countries 10 glasses becomes essential to prevent dehydration. Daily water consumption is necessary for hydration. On average, an individual should consume between 6-8 glasses of water daily. A great way to incorporate these regime is to carry water in tow to ensure that you are hydrated throughout the day.
health things say you should drink eight cups of water every day, but you should actually drink until you are satisfied. Only drink when you are thirsty.
You will frequently read that you should drink 8 cups per day. This is a myth that started with a misunderstanding of IV fluid management in hospitals.
You will also hear that you should drink until your urine is clear. That is also a myth.
Whether you should wait until you are thirsty depends on the situation.
A normal healthy person in a normal environment can drink, as the above poster suggests, when thirsty and until satisfied and be fine. It is true that you are a little dehydrated before you get thirsty so if you are in a situation where you are carefully guarding against dehydration (like working for a prolonged period in the hot sun) then trying to drink enough to avoid thirst is a good idea.
As much as they need
8 glasses a day
If you want to lose your weight then drink atleast 14 glass of water each day.
2.5 litres
Eight glasses that are eight ounces each
If you don't drink enough water each day, you risk becoming dehydrated. Warning signs of dehydration include weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, confusion, or urine that's dark in color. So how much water should you drink? Most people need about four to six cups of water each day.
you should drink 7 cups of water a day so if you were to drink water every hour you could only do it for 7 hours each day😉
you should drink 1 liter of water per day.
Usually each day you should drink 2 liters of water. 4 liters of water is when we combine all liquid substance we drank
very simple, drink your water out of some sort of measuring device and record all of your measurements or calculations at the end of the day.
As much as it needs.
as much as you can and about 3 cups each day