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You need 5000 IJ of vitamin A :) Find out on Google

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12y ago
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11y ago

a male needs 120 micrograms of vitamin Ka day, and females needs 90 micrograms each day.

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15y ago

i dont know :D

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15y ago

80 micrograms

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Q: How much vitimin A do you need a day?
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What vitimins does a sunny day have?

vitimin D

What will happen if you dont have enough vitimin a?

Well, you go to the doctor and ask him/her what you need to do. Same for all vitamin problems.

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Do you really need to take potassium along with vitamin D?

I do not know if you need potassium with vitimin D. Through personal experience with the doctor potassium ( prescription ) never required vitimin D supplements. It would appear that either way they would not have to rely on the other to be effective. hope this helps.

What foods have vitimin A?

cereal has vitamin a in it

How much exercise do people need in a day?

you need to day atleast twenty minutes a day

Does broccoli have more vitimin c than apples?


Where is vitimin c in breakfast food?

orange juice.

What is a orange a good source of?

Vitimin C and fiber

How much exercise do you need per day?

you need at least 60 minutes a day

What vitimin do you get from sunlight?

vitamin D, and D only not C

How much milk do you need every day?

5 cuos a day