Sodium should be fed free-choice as Salt (NaCl), which is found in most commercially made salt blocks or loose salt-mineral mixes.
The daily nutritional requirements per animal of salt is 2 to 3 grams of sodium and less than 5 grams of chloride for young growing animals. For lactating cows, they need 11 grams of sodium and 15 grams of chloride. All these numbers are on a per-day basis. In terms of percentage of ration, sodium concentrations of 0.06% to 0.1% or ration dry matter for non-lactating yearlings and calves, and no more than 0.1% dry matter for lactating beef cows. Dairy cows may need a little more (probably no more than 0.2%) than beef cows because they are producing twice to thrice as much milk as beef cows typically do. Despite these numbers, cattle should have no limited access to salt every day, provided they also have constant access to plenty of water.
None. Cows may need grazing area but an area does not need cows!
u should give them the cattle cake
Sodium caseinate, also called casein, is vegetarian but not vegan.
You need little sodium in your body cause it helps your body but too much of it will make you sick.
not more than 11mg.
you need sodium because it helps your muscles and nerves to work however too much sodium can damage your kidneys and increase the risk of high blood pressure lol
not more than 11mg.
Cows don't need money
No. Cows need a bull to reproduce.
None. Cows are not plants: they do not need fertilizer.
To convert sodium to salt, you need to multiply the amount of sodium by 2.5. Therefore, 242mg of sodium is approximately equal to 605mg of salt.