110 lbs average
Doctors say for a female to be a healthy weight it is usually 5 lbs more than 100 for every inch you are over 5 feet.
Exp. If you are 5"4 the average heathy weight is 120 lbs
This is not iron clad
8 stone
Around 50 kgs.
52 kg's
i m 27 tears old and my hight 5'3.
The healthy weight range for somebody 5'6 should be about 115-150 pounds.
Megan weigh arround 115-120 pounds (52-54 kg).
About 100g
There is a range based on body type and how muscular you are and a few other factors, but between 110 and 130 pounds or so.
I asked it because I weigh 92.5k anyone out there any clues
According to your height, your weight must be in the range of 45-48kgs and not more than 52 kgs. To know more, or if you wanna loose or gain weight, then you can log on to www.chihealth.in. They really helped me out when I wanted to gain weight.
52~68 KG