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There is no set amount that a woman should eat when she is pregnant. She should eat healthy and eat when she is hungry.

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Q: How much more should you eat when pregnant?
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Pregnant gorillas should eat pretty much the same as a pregnant human. eg.meat veggie and vitamins

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What should you eat when your pregnant?

If it is healthy, eat it.

What you should eat when pregnant?

If it is healthy, eat it.

What is a diet plan with calories of a pregnant mother?

A pregnant woman should eat roughly 100 to 200 calories more per day that she normally would to support a healthy pregnancy. For example, is the woman normally eat 1,500 calories a day, when she is pregnant she should eat about 1,600 calories or so a day. A pregnant woman should also be taking daily vitamins and minerals.

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As long as you eat healthy and don't exercise so much that it's unhealthy and get your periods there should be no problem getting pregnant.

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No,pregnant Guinea Pigs usually eat and drink more,but they will become lazy.You should check it by a vet.

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You should not eat raw fish or seafood when pregnant.

Are hamsters bad for you if you are pregnant?

Pregnant women should not eat hampsters. Ever.

What are the things pregnant mother should eat?

A pregnant mother should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and also ensure she gets enough calcium from dairy products.

Am pregnant and you eat and swallow paper is it bad?

no, it is not, depending on how much you eat. how big is the peice you swallow? If It Is half and inch around, it is more likely to hurt and and your baby. please make sure if you do swallow it that it is smaller than that. other than that, it should be harmless