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Q: How much is a serving size of carrots?
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How many baby carrots in a serving?

About 3 carrots (2025 RE Vitamin A)For:Adults - men and women 5000 Women during pregnancy 6000 Women during nursing period 8000Sources:http:/

Does a potato as a vegetable serving or grain serving?

Vegetable serving just as carrots are.

How much fat content do carrots have?

carrots have 10000000 grams of fat, so dont eat them or you will die. like legiterally.

How much does a serving of meat weigh?

A serving of meat is about the size of ur fist.

How much is 1 serving?

It is about the size of your fist.

How much protein is in guacamole?

Depends on the serving size.

How many calories in 1 serving of beans and carrots?

1 cup of beans and carrots is about 45 calories.

The serving size tells you how much food is in the package.?


The Nutrition Facts panel on packaged food tells you?

The serving size and how much calories per serving.

How much is one serving of salad?

That would depend on the size of and ingredients in the salad.

How much food is in 1 serving?

Depends on the food but a good rule is that a standard serving size is equivalent to a fist

Does the serving size tells you how much food is in the package?

No. The net weight or contents statement tells you that. The serving size is the portion of food on which the label's nutritional information is based. In the U.S., the nutritional panel also includes the number of servings (based on the stated serving size) that are in the package.