15000 pounds is equal to 6803.89 kilograms.
1 calories is equal to 1 calorie.
The amount of energy that you can get from that food. We get our energy from calories. And when we burn energy, we burn calories. So, we measure calories to see how much energy we will get from that particular food. This tells us how much of that food we should eat, compared to how much energy we expend.
You look at the calories section and see how much calories it has (calories are fat).
1% of 15000 = 150
Assuming that you're talking about the difference between the calories listed on "Nutritional Information" labels on food, one "food calorie" is equal to 4.184 kilojoules, or 1000 calories in science (a "scientific calorie" being the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius).
the sun gives about 15000 kilo calories in one square foot. when it reaches earth it will have the power to glow a 100w bulb.
A human gets energy from the calories of food. how much energy the food molecules have
A human gets energy from the calories of food. how much energy the food molecules have
15000 m2 equals 3.706 acres.
Converting calories to Kg is a bit tricky, as calories are a unit of energy, and kg are a unit of mass. 3500 calories are equal to one pound and one pound is equal to 2.2 kg. Which makes 7700 calories in a Kg.