Maybe like 100 kg (only fat) but it depends on your length to, if you're like 160 cm I won't say you can hold more than 50 kg only fat... then you're dead......
because it's not healthy to be fat
The recommended levels of body fat for healthy adults are:
Young Adult: 8-22%
Middle Aged: 10-25%
Elderly: 10-23%
Young Adult: 20-35%
Middle Aged: 25-38%
Elderly: 25-35%
Or if you are asking how much fat should you eat:
2 to 3 years old - total fat limited to 30%-35% of total calorie intake.
4 to 18 years old - total fat limited to 25%-35% of total calorie intake.
19 years old and older - total fat limited to 20%-35% of total calorie intake.
how much fat is there in a turkey
yes if you eat to much. get the reduced fat ones there better for you but can still get you fat if you eat to much
your already to fat
enough fat
Not as much fat as before.
vegetables do not have fat
Fat grams are how much fat is in the food. BY: CHEERSAV :)
Yes too much fat can kill you.
... Keyword "Fat free" usually means no fat..
Are you referring to body fat or are you referring to how much fat should be consumed per day. Please feel free to ask the question again and specify. Then we can answer your question.
if you have to much body fat you will die.
you know how much body fat you have my sucking a dick.