

Best Answer

A minimum of about 900 and a max of about 6000 (for a working lumberjack).

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Q: How much calories did you take in a day?
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How many calories should a 16year old female take a day?

about 2000 calories a day. It depend on how much exercise you do a day

Age of 23 height 5.1 how much calories should take a day?

at least 1800 a day.

How many calories we should take per day?

Men should take in 2,700 calories per day. Women should take in 2,000 calories.

How many calories should a 5'7 14 year old take in per day?

you should be eating around 2000 to 2500 calories a day depending on how much exercize you get. =)

How much calories does an average person eats a day?

Depends on the person. Our daily intake is supposed to be 2,000 calories a day. But, everyone has different height, weight, age, disabilities, and stress that people tend to take different amount of calories each day.

How much calories is a ten year old meant to have in a day?

1970 calories per day for boys 1740 calories per day for girls

How much calories should a 82 pound 5'3 14 year old girl take in a day?

omg; are u serious? your 82lbs; quit worryin and take in as many calories as you want.

How much nutrition should you consume in a day?

for women 2000 calories a day for men 2500 calories a day

How many calories per day should a teenager take if on a healthy diet?

1,000,000 calories a day you a hole

How many calories would you need to burn in order to not gain weight if you take in 480 calories a day?

To maintain weight, you would burn exactly how much you take in, which in this case is 480 calories. Don't forget how much you burn based on natural metabolism. It's very very likely that that itself is higher than 480 Calories.

How much calorie must you burn in 1 day?

depends on what you do during the day, but the body does have a absolute minimum amount of calories it will need to burn per day, its is around 1750 calories, give or take 300 for if you man or woman and you weight and age

Is there a limit to how many calories your body can take in in a day?
