

Best Answer

1.5 gms of protein = 6 calorie 1 gm of fat = 9 calorie 2.5 gm of carbs = 12 Total calorie in one disk = 27 calorie (approx)

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How much calories is in one calorie?

Assuming that you're talking about the difference between the calories listed on "Nutritional Information" labels on food, one "food calorie" is equal to 4.184 kilojoules, or 1000 calories in science (a "scientific calorie" being the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius).

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it is a measurment of energy that is the amout to burn in one second or lift in one gram

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It takes 1 calorie of heat to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

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A calorie with a lowercase "c" is a unit of energy commonly used to measure the energy content of food. A Calorie with an uppercase "C" is equivalent to 1,000 calories and is often used interchangeably with kilocalorie (kcal) on nutrition labels.

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What is a food calorie?

one calorie is enough to heat one gram of water by one degree Centigrade.

How much calorie there in 1 carrot?

One cup chopped- 52 calories One Small (5- 1/2"long)- 21 calories Visit the link below for more carrot choices and calorie counts.

How many cals are in one calorie?

"Cals" is an abbreviation for the word "Calories." So there is one "cal" in one calorie.